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Resolution (27) for the year 2016 Regarding Some Fees imposed by the Labour Market Regulatory Authority

Source: The Prime Minister

The Prime Minister:

After reviewing resolution (19) for the year 2006, regarding the regulation of
the labor market and its amendments, especially articles (4, and 42).
And resolutions (26) for the year 2008, regarding the fees imposed on the
employers to issue and renew work and residence permits for the family members of
the employee and the foreign employer, which was adjusted by resolution (67) for the year 2013.
And resolution (76) for the year 2008, regarding organizing foreign workers’
permits other than house servants, and its amendments.
And based on the proposal of the Minister of Labor, the chairman of the Labor Market Regulatory Authority,
And after the approval of the Council of Ministers.

Has Decided the Following:

First Article

An optional fee of (300) Bahraini Dinars shall be charged and added to the
issue or renewal fees of any work permit, if issued or renewed for (2) years above the
Bahrainization percentages, this additional fee is not applicable to whoever commits
to the set Bahrainization percentages.

Taking into consideration the provisions of paragraphs (E) and (f) of article (42) of resolution (19) for the year 2006, regarding regulating the labor market, the Labor Market Regulatory Authority shall handle the collecting of the fees mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, according to the value corresponding to the needed work permit period issues by the authority.

The fees mentioned in the first paragraph of this article shall be applied to the cases of work permits renewed after one year had passed since the start of applying this resolution.

Second Article

The Minister of Labor, chairman of Labor Market Regulatory Authority, and all concerned entities, shall execute this resolution, and it should be applied after one day of being published in the official gazette.

Prime Minister
Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa

Issued on: 20 Rajab 1437 H
Corresponding to: 27 April 2016

Last Update: Monday 3 July 2023
