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Apply for a Registered Worker Permit

This service allows the worker to apply for the registered worker permit through the Approved Labour Registration Centres to practice a skilled activity and obtain a work card.

Service Conditions

Required Documents

Apply for a Registered Worker Permit Required Documents
No. Document Document Type
1 Registered Worker Permit Service Form PDF (1.33 MB) Copy
2 Passport (valid for at least 6 months) Copy

Process Description

Physical Location

  1. Checking the eligibility of the worker to join the program.
  2. Filling in Registered Worker Permit Service Form PDF (1.33 MB) by the worker and signing on it as an acknowledgement, and submitting it to the centre along with passport copy.
  3. Submitting the application by the registration centre employee and uploading the required documents.
  4. Paying BHD 5 of admin fees at one of LMRA payment channels.
  5. The Labour Market Regulatory Authority evaluates and audits the submitted applications.
  6. Nationality, Passport and Residence Affairs (NPRA) are transmitted for scrutiny.
  7. The application will be ready for payment.
  8. Application will be checked by immigration department of the Nationality, Passport and Residence Affairs (NPRA) after payment.
  9. Issuance of work permit.
  10. Printing work card.
  11. Work card will be handed to the registered worker by the centre.
  12. The centre will provide an introductory session to the registered worker.

Legal Regulations

Registered Worker Permit Fees

Permit fees for the registered worker are collected as follows:

Registered Worker Total Permit Fees
Serial No. Period Total Initial Registration
No. Six Months BHD 256
1 Permit Issuance BHD 50
2 Health Insurance BHD 36
3 Residency Extension* BHD 15
4 Ticket Insurance* BHD 150
5 Work Card BHD 5
6 Admin Fees BHD 5**
No. One Year BHD 342
1 Permit Issuance BHD 100
2 Health Insurance BHD 72
3 Residency Extension* BHD 15
4 Ticket Insurance* BHD 150
5 Work Card BHD 5
6 Admin Fees BHD 5**
No. Two Years BHD 514
1 Permit Issuance BHD 200
2 Health Insurance BHD 144
3 Residency Extension* BHD 15
4 Ticket Insurance* BHD 150
5 Work Card BHD 5
6 Admin Fees BHD 5**

*One-time payment upon issuance.
**Paid at the time of submitting the application.

Other Fees

Other Fees
No. Period Monthly Fees
1 Six Months BHD 15
2 One Year
3 Two Years

Payment Methods

Registered Worker Payment Methods
Payment Method
SADAD online payment and all Kiosks in various areas, the Kiosks are also available in: SADAD
Cash payment: BFC Payments
luLu International Exchange
Online payment channels:

Processing Time

Cooperative Entities

Service Access

Apply for a Registered Worker Permit Service Access
Contact Centre +973 17103103

Application Forms/ Useful Documents

Registered Worker Permit Service Form PDF (1.33 MB)

Last Update: 04-12-2024.
