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General Questions by Employees

  1. Log into the Expat Management System (EMS) using your advanced eKey.
  2. Once you log in, click on the (eSupport Folder) under the main menu.
  3. Click on (View Tickets) option under the eSupport folder.
  4. All the tickets you applied will appear, along with their updated status.
  5. If the ticket status is (Await Client Response), click on the ticket ID and read what is required under the (Ticket Replies Section).
  6. Once you have done the required, kindly post a reply and if you need to upload any further documents, click on the (Upload Documents) button and upload the required documents. You may upload more than one document, once uploaded click on the (Save and Close) button.
  7. Click on (Submit Ticket).

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

If your employer refuses to accept your resignation or notice, you need to go to the post office and send it as a registered mail to the company's official address (this address must be the same physical address registered at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce).

For more information and inquiries, please contact LMRA call centre: +973 17506055 or alternatively the National Human Trafficking Hotline +973 995 or visit the Expat Protection Centre for further assistance.

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

  1. Log into the Expat Management System (EMS) using your advanced eKey.
  2. Once you log in, click on the (eSupport Folder) under the main menu.
  3. Click on the (Submit New Ticket) option under the eSupport folder.
  4. Choose the concerned department from the list.
  5. Click on (Next).
  6. Enter the relevant information, depending on your request, and sufficient application details in the designated fields.
  7. Click on the (Upload Documents) button and upload the required documents.
  8. You may upload more than one document, once uploaded click on the (Save and Close) button.
  9. Click on (Submit Ticket).

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

Withholding an expatriate employees’ travel or identification documents such as (passport or ID card) is illegal. In such an event, a case should be reported to the police station, you can also visit LMRA's Expat Protection Centre for assistance.

Last Update: Thursday 4 July 2024

Please click on Expatriate Employee Transfer for detailed information about transfer procedure guide.

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

Please visit LMRA's Expat Protection Centre in Northern Sehla for any inquiries or complaints regarding unpaid wages, settlement and indemnity.

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

The expatriate employee is eligible to submit a grievance against Absence from Work Notification as follows:

  • Visit LMRA Expatriate Services at Mina Salman branch, to submit a grievance within (30) days of the employer's submission of the notification.
    For inquiries, please call +973 17103103
  • Visit LMRA Expat Protection Centre - LMRA branch in Northern Sehla to submit a grievance after a period of (30) days of the notification.
    For more information, please contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline +973 995

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

You can track your work permit application progress by entering the work permit application ID in the Registered Worker Eligibility. The work permit application ID can be obtained from the employer's representative who applied for your permit and your family's permits.

Please note that according to our procedures, we can only discuss work permit application related matters and follow-ups with the persons who have been registered at LMRA as authorized/ responsible persons.

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

No, the employer is not allowed to charge you any fees for the work permit, but he/she has the right to take legal actions for damages as a result of the breach or premature cancellation of a time-specified contract.

For more information about the employee/ employer obligations, please check the below links:

Last Update: Thursday 4 July 2024

LMRA can process family permits for expatriate employees and their direct dependants (wife and children - until they reach 24 years).

Applying for parents, brothers and sisters is possible too, however must be done via the Nationality, Passports and Residency Affairs (NPRA).

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

Spouses' and grown-up children who are on family visa or students' visa are not supposed to work in the Kingdom of Bahrain, unless they change from family visa or student visa to work permit.

However, if the spouse wishes to work and remain as a dependant on their family visa – they could apply for Work Approval for Dependants permit and if approved will be granted a work permit to enable them to work and keep their family permit at the same time.

Please check Work Approval for Dependants service for further details about work permit approval for dependants.

Note: For student Visa who would like to apply for work (Permit should be cancelled first and then applied for work permit visa).

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

We would like to inform you that you must review the issue of compliance with the profession described in the work permit with the employer so that he is not legally held accountable, as he can change the profession by an application submitted to the Authority pursuant to the provisions of Article (9) of Resolution No. (76) of 2008 regarding the regulation of work permits for foreigners other than the category of domestic employees and its amendments in order to avoid legal accountability during the visit of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) inspectors to the facility, as the employer must in accordance with the provisions of item (1) of Article (7) of the aforementioned decision.

The employer shall be obliged to register and update the data of his establishment and the data of his employees continuously and regularly in the LMRA's database in accordance with the Authority's regulations in force in this regard or whenever requested to do so, in accordance with the provisions of Article (14) of the same decision referred to above.

In the event that the employer fails to comply with the above, it shall be considered a violation of the provisions of paragraph (b) of Article (23) of Law No. (19) of 2006 regarding the regulation of the labour market and its amendments, and also contrary to the provisions of the above-mentioned resolution.

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

LMRA only processes work permits for expatriate employees and their dependants as a one-stop service.

For all types of visas kindly visit Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs (NPRA).

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

  • Report your case to the nearest police station or call the Emergency Services on +973 999
  • Submit your complaint at LMRA's Expat Protection Centre in Northern Sehla or call National Human Trafficking Hotline +973 995

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

If you notice any information mismatch between our system and your official documents, please contact your employer, who should submit an e-support ticket via the eSupport function on the Expat Management System (EMS) and upload the relevant documents.

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

It is compulsory that all the expatriate employees and domestic expatriate employees are enrolled with LMRA. This procedure is done to have the required biometric data for issuing identity cards at a later stage and to combat fraud and passport forgery.

To know more about the enrollment at LMRA, please check Expatriate and Domestic Employees Biometric Data Enrollment with LMRA.

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

In accordance with Article (26, Paragraph B, Clause 7) of Law No. (19) of 2006 regulating the labour market, LMRA must at the request of the employer, cancel the worker's permit.

However, this cancellation does not preclude the worker's right to claim his legally prescribed rights for the termination of the work contract if it takes place during any of the worker's leaves, in accordance with Article (102) of Law No. (36) of 2012 regarding work in the private sector.

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

It is possible for female expatriate employees to sponsor their husbands on a dependant visa.

For more information and inquiries, please contact LMRA call centre: +973 17506055

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

It is possible for a female expatriate to apply for her husband and children a family Visa, applying the same rules and conditions of male employees.

For more information and inquiries, please contact LMRA call centre: +973 17506055

Last Update: Monday 20 May 2024

Further details about dependants' permits can be found in this service:

Dependants Residency Permit

For more information and inquiries, please contact LMRA call centre: +973 17506055

Last Update: Sunday 26 May 2024
