Resolution (23) for the Year 2021 Regarding Adding a Paragraph to the Second Article of Resolution (68) for the Year 2019 Regarding the Wages Protection Scheme
Source: The Ministry of Labour and Social Development
The Ministry of Labour and Social Development
After reviewing Resolution (68) for the year 2019, regarding the Wages Protection Scheme,
And based on the presentation of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour & Social Development,
Has Decided the Following:
First Article
A new article shall be added to the Second Article of Resolution (68) for the year 2019, regarding the Wages Protection Scheme as follows:
"The payment of house maid wages and those equivalent shall be optional via the Wages Protection Scheme, until the minister promulgates a decree to set a specific stage for them."
Second Article
The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour & Social Development and all concerned entities – each in their own field - shall execute the articles of this resolution, and it shall come into effect on the next day of being published in the official gazette.
The Minister of Labour & Social Development
Jameel Mohammad Ali Humaidan
Issued on: 12 Sha'aban 1442 H
Corresponding to: 25 March 2021
Last Update: Monday 27 February 2023