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Resolution (6) for the year 2015 To Amend Some Provisions of Resolution (29) for the year 2014 Regarding the Specification and Organization of Basic Healthcare for Facility Workers

Source: Ministry of Health

The Minister of Health:

After reviewing resolution (29) for the year 2014, regarding the specification
and organization of basic healthcare for facility workers,
And based on the proposal of the Ministry of Health’s under-secretary,

Has Decided the Following:

First Article

The following text shall replace the second paragraph of article (2) of
resolution (29) for the year 2014, regarding the specification and organization of
basic healthcare for facility workers:

It is permissible, after the approval of the committee mentioned in article (7) of
this resolution, to provide basic healthcare for facility workers in one of the following

  1. A contract with one of the licensed health insurance companies in the Kingdom.
  2. Establishing a complete medical unit in the facility, licensed to practice medical activities by the National Health Regulatory Authority.
  3. Private health institutions providing basic healthcare for their own employees through itself.
    All that in accordance to the rules and regulations mentioned in this resolution, and the instructions issued by the Ministry of Health in this regard

Second Article

Item (2) from article (4) from resolution (29) for the year 2014, regarding the specification and organization of basic healthcare for facility workers, is to be cancelled.

Third Article

The Under–Secretary of the Ministry of Health, and all concerned entities, each in
their related fields, shall execute this resolution, and it should be applied after one
day of being published in the official gazette.

Minister of Health
Sadiq bin Abdul Kareem Al-Shehabi

Issued on: 6 Jumada Al-Akhira 1436 H
Corresponding to: 26 March 2015

Last Update: Sunday 11 June 2023
