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Labour Market Regulatory Authority Website Statistics 2024

Website Statistics 2024
Quarter Q1 - 2024 Q2 - 2024
Pages Viewed 18,524,176 15,325,220
Average time spent per visit 00:3:34 00:3:05

Most Visited Pages in Quarter 2 2024:

  1. Registered Worker Eligibility - English Page
  2. LMRA English Home Page
  3. LMRA Arabic Home Page
  4. Registered Worker Eligibility - Arabic Page
  5. E-services - English Page
  6. Expatriate Management System - English Page
  7. Search - English Page
  8. Forms - English Page
  9. New Work Permit - English Page
  10. eSupport - English Page

LMRA uses Google Analytics to measure the website statistics.

Last Update: 08-07-2024.
