Approval of fees for services rendered by the LMRA to commercial and non-commercial businesses, Ministries and Government Institutions, based on a resolution adopted by the Council of Ministers. The application of the new fees structure shall take effect as of 1st of July 2008, as follows:
Important Notice
- Please settle any overdue payments of the monthly fees in order to avoid the cancellation of all the work permits.
- Imposed a fine of BHD 2 for each month of delay in the payment of the monthly fee for a work permit and a maximum of BHD 6.
- Residence extension for the registered worker permit is paid only one time.
- Return Ticket Refundable Deposit for the registered worker permit is a one time refundable deposit.
- Pay monthly fees for the registered worker permit, to avoid the cancellation of the permit.
- Imposed a fine of BHD 5 for each month of delay in the payment of the monthly fee for a registered worker and a maximum of BHD 15.
- Advertisement fees BHD 30 For new work permit applied if expatriate employee is out of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
- Reprint registered worker permit card BHD 5.
Refund of Payments
The LMRA will refund payments paid by the employer in the following cases:
- Full Refund: The LMRA will fully refund the payments paid by the employer if the LMRA decided to cancel the work permit prior to arrival of the expatriate employee to the Kingdom of Bahrain and six months prior to the date of payment of the work permit fees without prejudice to other obligations imposed on the employer.
- Partial Refund: The LMRA will refund the amount of the remaining months of the validity of work permit on the value of the permit in the event where the expatriate employee is being transferred to another employer, except for temporary work permits.
- Primary Health Care Fees: LMRA will refund the amount of the remaining months of the validity of work permit on the value of the health care fees in the event where the expatriate employee is being transferred to another employer, or is cancelled and leaving the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Important Notice
Refunded amounts to the employer are refunded as credit in the establishment's account at LMRA, and can be used to pay other application's invoices and fees such as monthly invoices and new work permits fees and he can also request a transfer to the bank account.
The LMRA will issue the following invoices and Lists to employers. Electronic samples can be found on the LMRA's website; their details are as follows:
- Monthly Invoice: the total monthly fees calculated for all the work visas of the workers in an Establishment.
- Invoices for the Issuance, Renewal or Transfer of Work Visas: A list of the due fees payable for issuing, renewing or transferring work visas.