Duties and jurisdiction
A- The Chief Executive shall represent the Authority before the courts of law, and in its relations with third parties. The chief executive shall be accountable to the Board of Directors for the technical, administrative and financial performance of the Authority in accordance with the provisions of this Act , orders, regulations and resolutions issued in implementation thereof, and shall specifically perform the following functions:
- Manage the Authority, direct its affairs and supervise the conduct of its business and of the Authority’s employees, who must adhere to his instructions, directions and orders.
- Implement the resolutions of the Board of Directors.
- Prepare and follow up the work regulations of the Authority according to the directions of the Board of Directors.
- Prepare the Authority’s budget bill and a report thereon and submit both to the Board of Directors.
- Prepare the Authority’s final accounts and a report thereon and submit both to the external auditor within one month of the end of the Authority’s fiscal year.
- Prepare an annual report on the Authority’s activities during the past fiscal year in compliance with the form and method stipulated by the Board of Directors and submit such report, to the Board of Directors within a maximum of one month as from the date of the Audit Committee’s submission of its report referred to in clause (C) of Article 21 of this Act, provided that a copy of the Authority’s audited accounts for the same year, is attached therewith. A summary of the aforementioned annual report and a Summary of its audited accounts shall, immediately upon their adoption by the Board of Directors, be published in the Official Gazette and a minimum of two daily local newspapers, one published in Arabic and the other in English. The full annual report shall be published by any of the means specified by the Board of Directors, in a manner that makes its perusal accessible for all.
- Prepare a draft of the Authority’s organizational structure and present same to the Board of Directors.
- Prepare the draft of the national labour market plan and present it to the Board of Directors.
- Prepare and present to the Board of Directors regular quarterly reports on the authority’s activities, the progress of its business and its achievements pursuant to the set plans and programs, as well as reports on the performance impediments and solutions proposed to avoid them, unless the Board of Directors decided a shorter period for submission of such reports.
- Exercise other functions and duties authorized to him under the provisions of this Act, the rules, regulations, resolutions issued in implementation thereof, or functions assigned to him by the Board of Directors.
B- The Chief Executive may – in accordance with the rules specified by the regulations - delegate in writing to any employee of the Authority, some of his functions, in a way that secures the conduct of the Authority’s affairs in the appropriate manner.
Last Update: 26-01-2025.