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For the purposes of this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and phrases, shall have the corresponding meanings:

The Kingdom: The kingdom of Bahrain.

The Minister: the minister in charge of Labour affairs.

The Authority: the Labour Market regulatory Authority (LMRA) ‎established in accordance with this Act.

Board of Directors or Board: the board of directors of the LMRA appointed in accordance with Article No.(6) of this Act.

Chairman: chairman of the Board of Directors.

Chief Executive Officer: CEO, chief executive officer for the LMRA appointed in accordance with Article (11) of this Act.

Business Proprietor: Any Natural or Legal person who employs one or more workers, in the Kingdom in return for wages of whatever nature, Fixed or varying, in cash or in kind. This includes any government entity (public)Organization and/or Authority), a company or office or ‎establishment or any entity of the private sector.

Worker: Any natural person who works for an employer and under his administration or supervision, in return for wages, of whatever nature, ‎fixed or varying, in cash or in kind.

Foreign Business proprietor: Any Natural foreigner, to whom the definition of worker does not apply, in accordance with this Act, and who carries business in the Kingdom or practices a profession in the kingdom, whether under his own name and account, or in the name or account of a third party.

Recruiting (Manpower) Agency: Any business owner who is licensed to ‎import workers, to work for third parties for a fixed period or until the completion of certain project without the supervision of the recruiting agent.

Employment Office: An office that searches for the suitable workers for business proprietors and facilitate the conclusion of agreements between ‎the parties.

Licensee: Recruiting (manpower) agencies and employment offices.

Audit committee: the committee stated in Article (21) of this Act.

Work permit: a permit issued by the LMRA in accordance with this Act, in favour of an employer, to hire a foreigner as stipulated in the permit.

Labour Fund: The fund that shall be established and regulated by virtue of an Act that shall specify its jurisdiction.

Last Update: 19-01-2025.
