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a. Without prejudice to any more severe punishment prescribed in the Penal Code, or any other law, a punishment of imprisonment for period of no less than 3 months and no more than one year and a fine of no less than BD1000 and no more than BD 2000, or either penalty shall be imposed upon anybody who is in breach any of the provisions of the of paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of Article (23) and the two Articles (28) and (30) of this Law. In the event of repetition, the sentence of imprisonment shall not be less than six months and not more than two years, with a fine of not less than BD 2000 and not more than BD 4000.
Violating the conditions of a permit for housemaids or equivalent is considered an aggravating circumstance. In all cases, the penalty multiples with the multiplicity of workers in respect of whom the crime has taken place.
The Court, in the case of conviction, may order to suspend the activities of the convict or close his business for a period not exceeding one year. If the violation is repeated, the court may order to strike-off his entry from the Registry of Commercial.

b. Any foreign person who violates the provisions of paragraph (a) of Article (23) of this Law shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dinars. The court may order, in case of conviction, to expel the said foreign person from the Kingdom without allowing him to return permanently or for a temporary period of not less than three years.

c. Without prejudice to any more severe punishment prescribed in the Penal Code, or any other law, a fine of no less than BD500 and no more than BD 1000 shall be imposed on any employer, recruitment agency, or their representative or the person in charge of its actual management who violates the provision of paragraph (b) Article (34) of this Law. The penalty shall be doubled in both minimum and maximum range in case of repetition.

d. No stay of execution may be applied in financial punishments or pass judgement below the minimum range determined by the Law for such punishment due to any extenuating justifications or circumstances.


* The provision of paragraph (a) of Article (36) has been amended as per Article Second of the Law No. (40) of 2014, amending some provisions of Law No. (19) of 2006 regarding the Regulation of Labour Market.


Last Update: 19-01-2025.
