Supervision by the minister
A- The authority shall submit to the minister regular reports of its activities, the progress of its affairs, achievements, specification of obstacles and the approved solutions to avoid such obstacles. The minister may ask the authority to provide him with any data, information, resolutions, minutes, records or reports necessary for his supervision of the Authority’s activities.
B- Without violation to the Authority’s independence in exercising its functions and duties under the provisions of this Act, the minister shall monitor the authority’s adherence to the provisions of Act and the government’s directions with regards to the labour market, and to what extent, the authority is exercising its functions effectively and efficiently, within the Limits of available financial resources.
C- If the Minister finds that some of the Authority’s activities breach the provisions of this Act or the directions of the government with regards to the labour market, or the authority has failed to exercise its role efficiently and effectively, the minister shall notify the Board of Directors in writing of his findings and what he deems fit. If the Board insisted on its opinion, the matter will be submitted to the Cabinet to resolve the differences and issue a resolution within 30 days, as from the date of such submission.
D- The Minister shall be responsible before the council of representatives with regard to his supervision over the activities of the Authority.