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A-‎ Fees shall be levied on employers for the issuance or renewal of ‎each work permit.‎ Fees shall be levied on recruitment (Manpower) agencies and ‎employment offices for the issuance or renewal of each license to ‎carry their activities.‎ Fees shall be levied on foreign employers for each permit issued in ‎accordance with the provisions of Article 31 of this Act.‎The Authority shall propose the decisions with regard to the specifying ‎the category of such fees, the ratios of increase,‎ decrease thereof, and the circumstances under which fees may be fully ‎or partially reimbursed, taking into account the recommendations of all ‎parties contributing to production.‎ The Authority shall raise such proposals to the minister who shall ‎present same, to the cabinet, to issue resolution thereupon.‎ The Authority shall propose default penalties, not exceeding double the ‎amount of the fees due, and shall raise such proposal to the Minister, ‎who shall submit the same to the cabinet to decide what it deems fit.‎ The decision to levy fees, and default penalty shall be published in the ‎Official Gazette.‎

B- The Authority shall take into consideration when proposing such ‎fees, the National plan for the Labour Market , the extent of the ability ‎of the Bahraini worker to compete in the labour market and that the ‎ratio of increase in the fees must be reciprocal to the ratio of ‎Bhrainization.‎

C- The Authority prior to proposing any fees must take into ‎consideration the rules and regulations and procedure stated in this Act, ‎provided that there shall be no change in fees, only after studies and ‎commercial surveys with regards to the impact of these changes in fees ‎on the general economic situation in the kingdom, and in particular to ‎situations pertaining to inflation and the Consumer price Index.‎

D- The Authority shall propose separate regulations for charging fees ‎for domestic workers and those who fall in similar category, after 3 ‎years, as from the date of implementation of the provisions of this Act. Such proposal shall be submitted to the minister to present to the ‎cabinet to issue a resolution, thereupon.‎ Until such regulations are introduced the Authority shall continue to ‎implement the provisions of Chapter Two of the Act, with regard to ‎Employment in the Private Sector, promulgated by virtue of Decree ‎number 23 of 1976, and the ministerial resolutions issued for its ‎implementation.‎

E- The Authority shall deduct 20% (twenty per cent) of the total ‎amount of collected fees and shall deposit it in the government’s general ‎account.‎

F- The Authority shall transfer to the Labour Fund the balance of the ‎total value of fees , after deducting the amount referred to in the above ‎Paragraph, within the periods and in accordance with the procedure ‎agreed upon by the Authority, the Ministry of Finance and the Labour ‎Fund.‎

G- There shall be no increase on fees, enforceable at the commencement ‎of the application of this Act, save before 1-1-2007‎.

Last Update: 19-01-2025.
